
PHOTO RELEASE: Kapihan on "Male Forum on Reproductive Health"

PIA conducted an out-of-town Kapihan forum at Melania's Garden in Tanjay City regarding "Male Reproductive Health" on July 29, 2006. (Please refer to Issue No. 27 post below for the news item.)
(L-R): Hon. Joveleo Acabal, SB Member, Ayungon; Dr. Quintin Bascos, Chief of Hospital, Bindoy; Dr. Irving Dingcong, Municipal Health Officer, Ayungon; and PIA Infocen Manager Jenny Catan-Tilos.

Tanjay City Mayor Baltazar T. Salma (right) enjoying the discussion on male reproductive health.

The forum was men talking to men about reproductive health and family planning. Of course, participants were mostly from the male population.

Tanjay City Mayor Salma giving his reaction during the open forum.



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